Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I am Woman

I thought of this Helen Reddy classic on a run this week.  Brutal cold, wind, snow, and not much great footing is hard to come by.  I look for the areas where the sidewalks might be plowed and head there.  Another form of life does venture out and I give them credit.  People still take the dog out for a little adventure.  I am that adventure about 20% of the time.  Look...I see you and you see me from a couple hundred yards away.  The sidewalk is narrow and though you don't know it yet I am going to leap into the snow and run around you just to make it easier.  Why do some people think just that act is enough and pay zero attention to their dog leaping/lurching at the last second up into the snow to get a piece of me?

I am strong
I am invisible
I am runner

I already accept I am invisible to all vehicles.  If you have run any length of time you already know this.

12/29  AM = 6.0 (8:38)
12/29  PM = 6.0  (8:07)
12/30  AM = 6.0 (9:20)
12/30  PM =  6.1 (9:07) Trails, Menomonee Park w/ Dewey/Tim
12/31  AM = 13.3 (9:04)
1/1      AM = 12.6 (10:20) Trails, Funk Road
1/2      OFF
1/3      AM = 31.5 (11:41) Trails, Ice Age Trail, snow covered
1/4      OFF

1/5      AM = 5.3 (10:20)
1/6      AM = 5.3 (10:51)
1/6      PM =  6.6 (10:40) Trails, Men. Park w/ Dewey/Tim
1/7      AM = 6.1 (10:30)
1/7      PM = 6.5  (10:17)
1/8      AM = 6.1 (10:33)
1/8      PM = 6.2  (11:03) Snow Storm
1/9      OFF
1/10    AM = 20.0 (12:19) Trails, Lapham w/Dewey/Steve H-K...brutal
1/11    OFF