Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mr. Heat Miser

I marshaled through 14 miles Christmas morning.  At first it was to be 10 and get 4 in later, but with the busyness of the day I just knocked it out.  Towards the end there is a local ballpark I tend to run around the perimeter on.  There is a little trail that does not look like much, but this time I ran it.  To my surprise it actually leads somewhere.  The one branch goes about a half mile to the Oconomowoc River.  The other branch after a half mile I had to turn back.  I’m hoping to explore this.  It has signs set up for snowmobiles so I’m hoping I can find a tie into the Ice Age.  It would be a cool find to cut out road sections.

The evening was gorgeous.  While everyone played cards I took Cookie for a walk.  Hardly any wind.  Very few vehicles.  Mid 50s.  As the sun was setting a farmer showed up to gather what was left of a big field of soybeans.  We watched the big equipment work for a bit.  It felt great to be outside again.  Some mornings throughout the year as I am taking advantage of getting out exploring, often I’m baffled at the lack of others not getting out.  I can’t tell you how many splendid days you can be tooling along and see no one.  Days like today...yes there are people out.  On a crisp 20 degree day with low wind...virtually zero people.

The Bugline trail runs near our place.  It is a 16 mile paved trail that is not plowed in the winter.  The snowmobiles get it then.  Now if your dog makes deposits wouldn’t you at least kick it to the side?  What’s the thought process here?  Also is it mandatory for bikers to drop the banana peels on the trail?  Dole sticker included?  And when I run down this fabulous road they put in by the house that looks like a speedway, what’s the deal with people chucking their garbage out?  Paint cans, beverage containers, fast food bags, etc.  It is a rural road about 2.5 miles long that curves through some decent looking area.  Not much traffic outside of those who live there.  Plenty of locals walking, taking out the dog, or bicycling.  Why are you throwing out your trash and destroying the new shoulders with the big truck tires?  I know this is everywhere, but give me a break.  Do I sound like an old man now?

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