Sunday, January 29, 2023

A big red beacon

 Earlier in the month was the Croom Zoom which totals out at 32.2 miles.  A 2.2 opener and then 3 x 10 mile trail loops.  Was able to practice the run/walk for most of it.  This resulted in negative splits for each loop and an average final pace of 12:32.  It was a good result for me and yielded 33 from 81 finishers.  Much confidence gained for Ice Age.

 In other news, Cookie (11/5/2006 - 1/11/2023) crossed the rainbow bridge as we say.  She started out as a dog for the kids and ended up living with us in 5 locations.  She would eat anything except Vienna sausages.  Not sure what this means because she'd eat dead rodents you mowed over once or twice.  She vibrated.  Her body constantly shaking.  Like she was missing a potential meal somewhere.  If a choice needed to be made to save me, or step over me for half a corn flake there is no doubt which she would choose.  A warrior dog.  No amount of any number of dogs, or size, they weren't coming up into our yard.  A cattle dog mutt.  She was one tough cookie.  Tell Wimpy I said hello.

 And now it is just the boys.  The two Guinea Pigs.   They can be comical.  The wife does 99% of the care for them.  I suppose if we start doing more traveling they will come with.  For whatever reason when women address them they do so like they are addressing infants.

 No special training plans for Ice Age.  Try and stay around 50-55 a week.  Was out 3:10 Saturday and 2:00 on Sunday.   This yielded 24.5 miles for the weekend.  There is a run here in March about 33+ miles.  Maybe I'll do that.  Also another 50k in early April.  I'd like to hit at least one of those.

1 comment:

  1. Nice "50K". Sorry to hear about Cookie. It's never easy losing a pet. I'm already dreading losing my favorite dog and she's only 5 years old.
