Saturday, March 30, 2019

Working at the car wash

The local Village is about 2.5 miles down the road.  They put up those electronic signs that flash and say how fast you are going.  They work really well, AS THE LARGE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE DRIVE 25 MPH OR LESS.  I'm so tempted to throw the car in neutral, exit the vehicle, start bone chipping as fast as possible, crash through the window, and commander the vehicle for sanity purposes.  It seems people will drive 22-23 mph, just to be safe from the long arm of the law.  Honest to Hali Salasi they are just handing out drivers license now-a-days.  These mph things are like gold, gold I tell you.  Oh well, maybe I should just relax, but it is comical watching others power around on occasion with fanfare.

Honestly the record is 18 mph.

Ran 19.4 miles today.  Really wasn't that difficult.  Thinking I'll do 10+ tomorrow if I don't have to drive to Pontiac, MI for work.  Then turn around and drive to MN.  Everybody twist.  Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, learn to love one another right now.

I don't turn the radio on often in the car.  So I do on Friday am some random cheesehead calls and dedicates this Zepplin song to his wife.  Then we have to hear this starry starry night story about hearts and love and meaning.  That's why I generally leave it off.  Play the music.  Give the scores.  Tell us the current weather. 

3/24 = OFF
3/25 AM = 10.5k in 66:13
3/26 AM = 10.5k w/ an 8k in 38:36
3/27 PM = 17k in 1:44:34 up around Lowe Lake.  Trails getting better.
3/28 PM = 11.2k in 1:17:34 at Menomonee Park w/ Dewey, Tim, Robert
3/29 = OFF
3/30 AM = 31.2k in 3:25:02.  Nordic to Emma and back 1:44:53/1:40:09
Total = 80.4k (49.9 miles)

That's about the limit.  50 miles is top end.  The right side back/hip is part of the limiter.
I'll try and get another decent one in tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. There's a sign near my house that tells how fast you're going. Limit's 30, people frequently hit 55 - and then take out a light pole or a tree (about once per week). So far, I've got it to register me running 23 mph, though 6 is more common.
