Saturday, March 9, 2024

...and loving it

 Oh special bikers, many thanks for gracing the paved trail with your presence.   Thanks especially to those free wheelers who clip by unencumbered by any rules or manners.  Please...many times bowing to clear the path so your peak of athletic harmony is on display for us to see.  So special.  Please forgive those of us who might not be looking up and down the 46 mile paved trail about 12' wide to triple check if you may be asked to squeeze over 1' 4" and divert the straight path.  You are truly the Golden people and I get a little tingle as you go by in your uniform.  

 11.5 miles today at 13:45 pace.  I am contemplating going ham (wicked hard) for about a month to achieve close to 50 miles a week of 13 pace and then doing a trail 50k by feel.  If 13:30 pace isn't achievable then I may have to drop Ice Age.  I'm going to do whatever I can to do it, but I'm not going to go if dropping is a higher probability than finishing and I think I know enough to determine this.

 Everything is good.  The issue is it takes me about 1:30 to cover 7 miles in training.  Do the math.  I need to consider getting near 15 hours a week of training to move the needle as 15-20 of this is walking.  Not by choice.  Not that my watch is super accurate, but I burn 1000 - 1500 extra calories above my base metabolic rate a day and am gaining weight.  I put 4 pallets of sod down last week, worked my job, kayaked, and still gained weight.  The Sargeant Carter lifestyle is quickly losing its appeal.  If it sounds like I am whining it's because I am.  I feel healthy,  but can't as Red Buttons used to say, "Can't get a dinner. "

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