Sunday, July 16, 2023

I don't even have a garage

 55.1 miles achieved this week.  Brother it has been hot these past few mornings.  

 Already moved to 41st on the Long Haul 100 wait list. 

 Crawford signed up for the wait list and is in the 54th spot.  Now if it works out I have someone to try and one up on long runs.  Whatever it takes.

 Someone with the exact same name and age as me is already in.  The race director sent me a note asking why I registered twice.

 It's good to have something in front of me.  


  1. Same name and age? Are you sure you didn't already register? :-)

  2. I have been aware of the other Dehart for probably 10 years at least. I knew it was just a matter of time before we chose the same event.
