Sunday, October 1, 2023

We've made other plans and they don't include you

- 56.2 miles on 4 runs this week and about 10 miles of kayaking. 

- 31.1 miles on the Long Haul 100 course with about 13 in the dark.

- 26th on the wait list.

- It got up to 93 and I tolerated it well.  Only took 1 S-cap.  

- It made me realize 100 miles is a long way.  If anything it deterred me from wanting to complete the exercise. 

- So hard on the body.  My feet are pretty tough and they are okay today, but 100 miles and they will be shredded. 

- Most of what I learned was you better go super conservative.   I primarily used the .37 jog and .13 walk and after about 8-9 miles a lot of people come back to you.  I may go to a .25/.25 jog/walk if I line up.  When you are slow it is all about survival and the slowness really adds time.  The extra time on feet taxes the body in terms of mechanics, hydration, sleepiness, electrolyte balance, clothing comfort, etc.  

- I'm going to have to reevaluate my preparation plan.  Though I am fine today, the thought of another 20+ hours on my feet felt stupid dumb.  No what I'm saying?

 - It seems ignorant on my part to continue these regiments only for the sake to squeeze in one more Ice Age 50 mile finish annually.  I could easily accomplish 40 miles a week and do other activities that I clearly enjoy.  I don't need to explain this as most of you who read this understand the situation. 

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