Saturday, July 25, 2020

We’re bigger than US Steel

Yesterday I began my new drug therapy.  It is a molecular targeting drug.  I’ll get blood test every week for a month to dial in the twice a day pill taking.  So far so good.  No noticeable side effects.  As anyone would want, my wish is for sustained health, but I’m really hoping for a possible benefit to my running.  I’ve had minor issues with my right knee for years.  The past month it has become chronic.  Painful at times and somewhat burdensome to run.  Like most I just ignore the obvious problem and marshal on.  Most days I follow a run .35 miles and walk .15 miles.  This yields 12:10 to 13:10 miles.  Straight running puts me at 10:45 to 11:30 range so not a lot of difference.  I could cover many miles with the r/w routine, but at 4.7 mph time becomes a limiting factor.  It is a bit easier on the knee.  The straight truth is now that the Ice Age 50 mile has been cancelled for 2020, I should get this looked at.  I’m still getting in over 50 a week and may hit 70 this week.  That conjures up many theories on why not to exercise sound wisdom.  There are a couple possible events left in October, but I struggle with common sense at times.

Just to be clear, it does appear the man you are seeing looks like an old version of Peter Falk out stumbling around.  And though this may be true, there is this prevailing thought that one day I am going to put the beat down on a few people.  It’s not personal, it’s how some folks come across to me.  Especially those who wish to discuss openly what times they believe they will run in a manner that over a period of time makes them appear they have.  People who actually have the ability, but trade the actual hard work and fortitude for some mystical mirage that few people my age understand or remotely care about.  This is why I’m out stumbling around.  Yes I enjoy it immensely, but no one who has averaged 71 miles a week YTD isn’t hoping for a release the hounds moment.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

If you can get up and walk away

Hey folks.  Just a note I’m down in the trenches currently with the PV and until we find an alternate medication that works my running is in the toilet.  Sure I’ll still be out most days, but runs like today at 12:27 pace left me wiped out most of the day.  I’ll get out with the Menomonee Park crew here and there, but for now I’m on the unable to perform list.  I meet with the Doc on July 14th to review my biopsy results and then we will see what the best foot forward is.

In the meantime remember what I told my brother and sister today.  Never underestimate the power of the hamburger.