Thursday, January 9, 2020

I’m no fun anymore

I’ve stayed the course with my plan to learn to go slow and build up miles.  Once I get up to the higher weekly mile range the goal is to figure stuff out as it comes.  So you do get tired at times.  It is then when one gets to practice how they can devise strategies on the move to maintain goal pace.  Even tired, averaging 13 minute pace is plenty doable.  It makes me wonder how many miles a week would one have to cover to truly mimic that in a last man standing event.  Now I get it.  There is the idea of arranging the schedule to key in on doing precisely that with say a 40-50 mile practice run, but I’m also trying to pound the body to find and overcome my deficiencies.  My back/hip has not been an issue.  I have increased the elevation in one of my shoes to even out the leg length discrepancy.  As odd as it may sound, I’m not willing to skip around potential body issues on lower miles.  I have to survive the training and for me that is finding a way to get it done daily.  Off course I have other niggles, but it is amazing to me so far that they come and go.  Trust me some days I go to bed and wonder what tomorrow will feel like.  Surprisingly I generally am ready to go and the mild January weather has helped.

Not sure what the end game is here.  As of today I have a few concerns on a couple aches and pains, but it seems the easy pace does not draw them out like intense marathon training would.  The event is April 3rd.  Currently I think I will still chase miles and peak out around mid February because past that it won’t be beneficial.  Talking to Grub we both have experienced in the past that once you get past a certain point piling up mileage seems easier mentally.  I’d like to say that’s where I’m getting to.  Off course getting up at 4am and showering a lot is tiresome at times.  The reward is getting out there and then after awhile you don’t want to come back.  Not many people get to experience the feeling of time standing still.  Pure darkness and beard covered in a glaze of ice.  Running down the middle of the road seeing a car once a mile.  Good times.

Last week 110 miles.

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