Sunday, May 14, 2023

Ice Age 2023

 An overcast day with temps in the high 50s to low 70s made for a great day to run.  I finished in 11:02:33 for my 21st finish.  I lost 10 pounds and introduced speed work this year.  I believe running in similar morning temps in Florida was beneficial.

 Though it is dead flat in Florida and I primarily stuck to roads, it seemed like the hills were one of my strengths.  The run/walk system practiced was difficult because of the constant shifting topography there.  I did get in some good walking however.  

 For the first time in years I was able to jog quite a bit the last 10 miles instead of almost exclusively walking.  Knowing every inch of this course really helps mentally and it is a huge advantage.

 I want to thank Christine and Ryan for housing, transporting and feeding me.  Thanks to my son Brad for crewing the middle part of the run.  Big thanks to Tim for crewing me and cheering me on the final 13.5 miles.

 It was great to see all my friends as well as create new ones.  I’m sure if healthy the 2024 version will see me there.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Double! Nice job. It looks like your pacing strategy really paid off as you didn't slow much as the race went on. I'm a little surprised by the lack of Minnesotans in the results. I guess it's just far enough to keep us away. Recover well!
