Sunday, January 30, 2022

Some men you just can’t reach

 It was a good week.  Running was exceptional and not because of the few good days only, but because I loved being out there.  Few things are better than getting together and just jawing about basically nothing.  Quite frequently we talk about T&F from the 70’s era.  In fact today Dewey and I talked about Brian Oldfield.  He passed in 2017 and both of us guessed he was probably gone.  Tim and I covered Bob Seagram on Thursday, along with Pat Matzdorf in the HJ.  

 If age has done anything it has made me measure my steps.  I don’t want to take anything for granite and I don’t want avoid finding contentment.  That last one should be easy, but so many messages out there can make one second guess everything.  Could one function in our society without a cellphone?  Of course the answer is yes, but could one find a way that doesn’t make us feel like an outcast.  I’m not worried about what folks might think, I’m curious if the convenience is just way to strong for me.  If I don’t have a phone in the future then my wife becomes the conduit for that.  It’s not about anything else than getting a hair off the grid.  I mean come on, we are all on the grid even if we don’t want to believe it.

 Where my mind is at is the scene from Cool Hand Luke where they are out tarring and chipping the road.  Luke makes it a challenge to beat the man and after they all go ass over tin cup to do just that the truck just drives off and there is no more work.  Huffing and puffing they ask Luke what do they do now?  His one word reply, sitting on that turned around shovel is, “Nothin’.”  That’s where I am at.

 I want to have passion and goals.  I want to work hard and challenge myself.  And yes I might even want to believe I’m beating the man in someway, but it means nothing to me if anyone else sees the sense in all of it.  This is what my day is going to consist of.  You want to join along then that is awesome because sometimes I enjoy company.  On the other hand forgive me if I don’t want to do stupid stuff which may include being around people who want to entertain me, or think it’s fun to go to the Farmers Market.  I do those things with my wife and do enjoy them.  Beyond that I am tapped out.

 I’m looking forward to fishing.  Fishing for enough of them to eat.  Come back and cut them up.  Goof around and put together a basic meal with that using the grill.  Maybe even have a cold High Life with some salt in it. Maybe that takes up half the day and maybe it does not.  Either way that’s part of the plan.  You should come down.  Just know I’m a family guy and a big part of the day can be keeping the account clear.  When you go to the biggest dance of the year you dance with the one who brung ya.

That last line was an old quote from Terry Bradshaw.

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