Sunday, April 3, 2022

The powers that be

 Running has been fine.  No inflammations or strains to report.  I have really been enjoying the solace of the 306 acre camp I run through several times a week.  For 5.5 years I lived here I often wondered how this would make for some great connector runs.  Nobody is out there.  Honestly the animals and birds are completely surprised by my presence at times.  Except the deer.  They always come across like you are there to finish the job.

 We pull out of here April 21st for Florida.  There is a 700 acre woods there called Fort Cooper State Park.  I’m sure I will pony up the $60 a year so I can breeze through there often.  But they don’t open until 8am.  Travesty.

 Ran Saturday’s of 26.3 and 25.4 the past two weeks.  Yesterday I pulled into a BK afterwards for a Double Whopper.  It was not meant to be.  One guy working.  Not wanting to add to the load I bolted.  Common occurrence these days.  There is not a bigger proponent of fast food than this guy.  Say what you want, but that stuff has powered me for many years.  Later I picked up a loaf of bread and baloney.  Something magical exists with those combined with mustard and a handful of green onions.

 So not much to report.  I’m slow and cover 50-60 a week at 5 miles an hour.  My blood juice is lower, but that is the goal for my condition.  Sometimes when my mind drifts off, I see myself taking over someone else’s body and running the hell out of it.  Putting it to the floorboards and see how she holds up.  Then I’m pulled back into reality as I watch the cashier get their mind blown because I handed them 16 cents with my cash payment.

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