Monday, December 24, 2018

There's a beverage here

So on 12/16 the day after the 5 trail circuits I hit the road for 4 - 50 minute circuits of 3.6 miles each.  Mentally this wasn't much of a problem accomplishing and as the day before, each segment was a bit faster = 39:23, 39:08, 38:33, and 38:30.  I was actually tired, but the tiredness was in my back and pelvic region.  Just this real annoying stiffness one can only ascribe to as old age.  Years of only running have (probably) caught up to me.  I'm doing this for competitive advantage (haha) as, "I don't run to take beatings!"  Whatever, as visions of core and stretches and cross training and diet danced through my little brain.  I get the dynamic.  If I would supplement this, or replace this for that I would probably thank my ever loving self to the 8th power.  I just don't really give a rat's hamstring about all those options that have brought millions of people joy, clarity, and the urge to see Hamilton.

I probably should get some type of bike and do a big ride once every week or two.  I probably should spend 7 easy minutes a day on core.  I probably should select stretches to work on the pelvic region (and could probably alternate every other day with the core) and I should probably cut back on eating sugar coated sugar.  When I type it out that way it probably isn't that big of a change.  But it is.  It really is for me, because I like many long time runners have to fill the other voids (well...those left after working all week) like what useless book can I read, what 40 house projects can I push off to next week, and I'm about a half dozen hand written notes behind.  I won't get any of that done because the dog and I have been scouting out the 42 acres of Marshland (Public Land) by the house the past two afternoons.  I'm planning on potentially hunting there next year.  The dog found a fair amount of dark colored niblets.  No conscious. 

This coming Saturday is the annual 50k Fatass.  I'll probably be there and if motivated I'll mickey mouse around and complete the whole thing.  I have to go down to Chicago this week and take care of something for work.  Might be there Thursday and Friday.  I'm not super stoked, but there are Italian Beefs and good Mexican food in the mix here.     

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