Monday, June 17, 2024

The Dutchman

 I have re-evaluated my jogging efforts.  Though I will put in an effort most days, I will be foregoing these efforts with additional canoeing and kayaking.

 Put in a nice 4.6 mile canoe on Thursday.  You can easily go about 10-15% faster than kayaking with the same effort.  Of course we have the Hoyt Clagwell models.

 On Saturday, I portaged the kayak .45 miles into Flying Eagle Preserve and put into the airboat paths.  About 1 mile into it 4 passed me coming towards me.  Not a problem.  At about 2-3 miles the water was only a few inches high and I slogged through there for about a mile.  Didn’t pass any more airboats.  At 4 miles the water gets good and opens up.  By 5 miles you are in Church Lake which was busy with activity.  Soon you are back in less traveled waters.  It was noon and about 90F.  At about 9.8 miles I reached Sandpiper road.  I portaged over that no problem.  However because of the work going on there I had to try hard to get through the thick water growth.  Once over, I was in familiar water and was home with 11.4 miles covered in 5:03.  This would be easier in the cooler months.  Glad I stuck with the kayak.

 Finished the week with 40.3 miles of jogging and walking.  I catch up with Wayne several times a week.  He walks the same short block over and over and I enjoy our conversation.

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