Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ride the king’s highway

 Every day the workout clock still thunders away.  Trying to step off the daily grind of exercise accomplishment is difficult.  Recently, arrangements were made with no one in particular that I no longer needed to average 50 miles a week on foot.  But like an old company policy that has been outdated for 10 years it is still the expectation.

 …the nations are regarded as a drop in the bucket and are regarded as a speck of dust on the balance.

 So what am I doing?  The compromise made was as long as the foot miles and canoe/kayak miles equal 50 a week then I’m where I need to be.  This works well until the mileage log book comes out.  Appears I may be unprogrammable.  That’s too bad because I’m finding other things are more important/rewarding in life.

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