Saturday, December 31, 2022

State Champ

 The year tapped out at 2,211.9 miles, which was 699.3 less than last year.  Two non-running injuries affected the total and also increased the percentage of walking miles.  That's okay.  Averaging 6.06 miles a day means I'm still in the game.  

 Every year I post who went out with me, or we met up for a little movement.  The top 10 does not have 10 in it this year.  My minimum is 3 efforts for the year.  Now folks ask about the dog.  Unless I'm counting the mileage as a recordable effort, the dog does not receive credit.   We went out, but at 16 years old  it's mainly a sniff fest and hey watch this once type of slow effort.  Plus she would have won 12 years in a row had I counted the glory days, so I excluded her.  

State Champ - 26

Ten Bears (or beers) - 24

John Wayne (real name) - 18

Ginger Rockstar - 12

The Wife - 10

The Robert - 7

 There was a time long ago, when we were young in which we modeled parent behavior. One such behavior was transacting business.  Generally seen at the gas station (when they did it for you), grocery stores, and rarely some type of restaurant.  There was some verbal direction and then the payment part which was almost always straight cash.  Don't hold up anything at any cost because others need this service as well.  Also it's 5 degrees at the gas station and Goober doesn't need to waste time in the cold.

 It was real good training.

 But somewhere this waffle iron of consistency and being a good American disappeared.  I could stand on my head and spit $25 dollars in nickels before some customers and patrons figure it out.  The whole thing can be a circus.  Am I the bad guy?  Just pay, don't ask questions and move on.  


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