Monday, December 5, 2022

Hamburgers in your face

 The truck pulled off Fort Cooper road and was parked by the Withlacoochee Trail.  I avoid traffic this way and can take side roads on occasion.  Being off work today allows for a slow jaunt, alternating .3 mile jogs with .2 mile walks.  Seven miles completed at 13:02 pace.  I enjoy this format, but the miles come slow.  I know it is necessary for my training to survive, but would much rather have the ability to run 1-2 hours a day without any walking. 

 I find the longer distances still intrigue me.  If I was to throw it all in to try and break 24 minutes for a 5k then I'm sure I could do that.  The idea of completing 50 miles in under 12 hours somehow seems like the better challenge.   Mainly because I'm not sure I can do it.  It always might be your last one.



  1. This was part of my 100M race report and seems appropriate here.

    “There’s a relationship between skills and challenge. If the challenge is hard enough and you believe you have the skills to match that challenge, that’s the sweet spot. If you don’t believe you have the skills to match that challenge, that’s where we get anxiety. You might actually have the skills, but if you don’t believe, if you don’t trust yourself, that’s where we get sideways.” – Dr. Michael Gervais

  2. DD,
    The Japanese have a term for it. Misogi.
    the Misogi Challenge, is designed to help us uncover what we're capable of as individuals and to tap into possibilities we don't see in the moment. Once we complete the challenge, it's a reminder that we are stronger than we believe and that more is possible than we can imagine. The ideal "challenge" has a risk of failure. Ideal success / failure rate: 50%, either way. Good to see you are still at it. I stumbled back in here to look up a friend's race report, and here you are, still at it. I hope you are well, and this note finds you in good health. ~ MartyKC

  3. Boys, thanks for the insight. I base much of my approximated finish times, or ability to finish on my training. It has been a good indicator as well as a confidence booster. I have to push myself sometimes. After awhile the save yourself for another day becomes stale.

    Marty I heard the R2R2R was a big adventure. Congrats on a great trip and adventure. Hope to see you at Ice Age.
